Refund Policy

Refund Policy

All refunds are at the discretion of the club executive. Cancellations received more than or exactly 30 days prior to the event will be refunded as soon as feasible. Cancellations received after 30 days prior to the event will be issued after the event and after consideration by the executive. There are no refunds for inclement weather, circumstances beyond the control of the DOCC and failure to pass sound checks.

If for any reason a member wishes to change their rally registration they must contact the membership secretary immediately. The selling of rally spaces is not allowed. Waiting lists are maintained when any class is filled. If a position becomes available due to a cancellation the members on the waiting list are invited to register in order of their request to be included in the list. If a position can be filled from the waiting list after the 30 day cut off a refund will be issued after the event. All persons wishing to be included in the waiting list must be current members of the DOCC. To be included on the waiting list please contact the membership secretary.

Any refund if granted is subject to reduction by any paypal fees, bank charges and a handling fee. A cheque will be issued. Rally fees can be applied to a later rally during the same calendar year. Any outstanding balances will be requested before the later rally. Fees cannot be carried over to a later fiscal year.

Any cancellation request must be received before the rally to be considered for a refund.

All members will be notified of the determination of refunds within twenty-one days of the completion of the event.

Revision Date: 2-June-2008